Quadrille for dVerse and New to Me Poetry: Cold


Lost in the dark

No smiles soar my spirit

The light bent to your grace and whim

‘Til one day you flew away and things changed

Now my face warms from stolen sun

Yet joy eludes my thoughts

I liked the cold


For Quadrille Monday at dVerse. The challenge is to write a poem using 44 words and I decided to do it in Rictameter Verse. The style is explained here, but it is a relatively simple form. However the trick, as always, lies in the execution. The only requirement is a strict syllable count: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 with the first line repeating as the last line. The style can be rhyming or not depending on how you feel. I went with non-rhyming and I hope you enjoy.

J. Milburn

Fly High, Pretty Girl

Bright smiles always lifted my heart,

and a soul drawn to healing art,

laughter, friends, music, adventure,

made me privileged to know her.

Stolen away during the night,

now my days have too little light,

while my emotions remain numb,

and my tongue feels heavy and dumb.

Our time with you was far too short,

but now your essence will hold court,

over all these lands you will roam,

just remember to stop by home.

All over this now darkened world,

friends now say “Fly high, pretty girl”.


My attempt at a Cyhydedd Fer Sonnet. I found the information on the structure at The Poet’s Garret. I hope you like it.

J. Milburn

PTWWW & New To Me Poetry: Epigrams

For the Paint The World With Words “Be Inspired Challenge” this week, we are playing with Epigrams. An Epigram is defined as, “a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way.”

My epigram came from wondering what the hell I was going to write for an epigram:

In the recess of thought, great words sit;
awaiting the writer to unleash their wit.
They lay in silence and pique’d fit;
for most, including me, aren’t up to it.

I also decided to try my hand at some other epigrams:

Faith is a five-year-old’s belief in parents perfection. Wisdom is the realization they are not.

I love movies. They divorce people from reality, who in turn divorce each other because their reality is not a movie. 

Writers strive to reveal society’s troubles. Society obliges by giving them so much to write about.

Zeal is great…until it crosses to zealotry. Then, not so much.

Hope you enjoy.

Happy Reading and Writing!

New To Me Poetry-Triolet: Memories Fade

Memories fade into the twilight mist;
*confusion-loss* sense of self gone.
Where was I when love first kissed,
memories fade into the twilight mist.
Children are treasures sorely missed;
faces of family and friends hidden by curtains drawn.
Memories fade into the twilight mist.
Confusion…loss…sense of self gone.

For Paint The World With Words “Be Inspired” challenge. This week’s poetry form is the Triolet. A triolet is characterized by having two stanzas of four lines each. The first line of the first stanza also serves as the fourth and seventh line of the poem. The second line of the first stanza also serves as the last line of the poem. It has an ABaA abAB rhyme scheme (capital letters denote repeated lines). There are no restrictions on the length of the lines.

Head over to PTWWW and check out other writers take on the challenge.

Hope you enjoy.

Happy Reading and Writing!

J. Milburn


dVerse Open Link Night- Pathya Vat: Eternity

“At Eternity’s Gate” by Vincent Van Gogh

Chair creaks, fire snaps
useless hands hold
life once so bold
taken by war
Thanatos grasp
my son no more
this I implore
take me instead
“Nay” Death’s head clacks
raise thy aged head
Mars must be fed
though it be hard
no youth be barred
he now stands guard
o’er joy’s realm

For d’Verse OpenLinkNight. This style of poem, found at http://www.volecentral.co.uk/vf/pathya_vat.htm, is called a Pathya Vat, a form that originated in Cambodia.

The breakdown of the form is quite simple. It has four lines of four syllables each. The second and third line of a stanza rhyme. If you decide to chain them, as I did, then the second and third line rhyme the last line of the previous stanza.

Line 1 – 4 syllables (A)

Line 2 – 4 syllables (B)

Line 3 – 4 syllables (B)

Line 4 – 4 syllables (C)

Second stanza (if relevant)

Line 5 – 4 syllables (D)

Line 6 – 4 syllables (C)

Line 7 – 4 syllables (C)

Line 8 – 4 syllables (E)

and so on.

Hope you enjoy.

Happy Reading and Writing!

J. Milburn