Quadrille for dVerse and New to Me Poetry: Cold


Lost in the dark

No smiles soar my spirit

The light bent to your grace and whim

‘Til one day you flew away and things changed

Now my face warms from stolen sun

Yet joy eludes my thoughts

I liked the cold


For Quadrille Monday at dVerse. The challenge is to write a poem using 44 words and I decided to do it in Rictameter Verse. The style is explained here, but it is a relatively simple form. However the trick, as always, lies in the execution. The only requirement is a strict syllable count: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 with the first line repeating as the last line. The style can be rhyming or not depending on how you feel. I went with non-rhyming and I hope you enjoy.

J. Milburn