Dragon’s Loyalty Award

Thanks to Kayla over at Perfecting Patty for The Dragon’s Loyalty blog award! Apparently, this award is a combination of The Versatile Blogger Award and The Very Inspiring Blogger Award (cool, a two-fer! 🙂 ). This is the second award she’s nominated me for, the first being a Liebster Award. I’m glad she’s a fan!

So, the “rules”:

  1. Display the Award Certificate on your website
  2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award
  3. Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers (I think I’ll do ten.)
  4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post
  5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself. 

Okay, so 1 and 2, check. 3 and 4 after 5.

Seven Interesting Things About Me (disclaimer: These types of questions are my bane 😉 )

1) I’ve been an aircraft mechanic, working on F/A-18 Hornets while in the Navy.

2) I was treated to a Cirque du Soleil show in Hong Kong after giving a French-Canadian woman a tour of the flight deck on the John C. Stennis. I even got to eat with the performers and go backstage after the show 🙂 Awesome experience at a time when I was feeling pretty low.

3) My first experience with karaoke came in New Zealand.

4) I used to perform “Baby Got Back” so much that people actually started requesting it!

5) I helped chase down what we thought were truant sailors while on Shore Patrol in Victoria, Canada. It turned out to be a trio of very nice Canadian guys, who took it all in stride.

6) I completely pissed off one young woman while at journalism school when I did better on an article that I had written drunk and at 2:00 in the morning than she did after spending 6-7 hours on it sober. On the off-off-chance she sees this; sorry, Sara (but it did make me feel great).

7) I have three stories scheduled to be published in 2014.

On to my 10:

Anja at Oh Pithy Me

EA Wicklund at Momus News

Kerri Ann Salsac at Writing For Life

Janna at JannaTWrites

C.C. at consciouscacophony

Yeshasvi Mahadev at TinyPurpleMe

iamfunny2 at JED’s Playhouse

Katie Kurtz at e.g. | a writing blog

Glynis at The Between

Momo at Momosapien

So there’s my ten. If any of you wish to participate, wonderful. If not, I completely understand. Just know that I like each of your blogs.

There you have it. Thanks again to Kayla for the award! And to all my followers and other readers, Thank You!

Happy Reading and Writing!

J. Milburn